
做古惑仔(二)做大佬唔洗做, 搵macro robot 做你條o靚

玩古惑仔其實好robotic, 寫macro 唔算難. 用左iMacro 黎寫, 每小時第一分鐘開始, 隔十五分鐘自己save 錢, 做任務同打人.

  1. download firefox

  2. download imacro plugin

  3. close firefox
  4. download this macro: Facebook.zip
  5. unzip and copy Facebook folder to "My Documents\iMacros\Macros"

  6. Edit "My Documents\iMacros\Macros\Facebook\Run.js"
    change the number into your favourite people that you want to bully, (you can add MORE than 3 id)
    var hit_list = new Array('12345678','1235813','31415926');

  7. open firefox and login facebook

  8. open iMacro Sidebar

  9. on iMacro Sidebar, select Facebook->Run.js

  10. click Play at bottom of side bar

  11. Minimize firefox
  12. open another firefox and do other meaningful task
註: 當facebook 出error 時, macro 會skip, 下次十五分鐘再redo想停既話, close 左個firefox 就得

都係做多d 有意義既事吧~


做古惑仔 (一) 古惑仔都要識計數, 用excel

facebook 興玩古惑仔, 我自己就覺得唔太好玩~ 以前forum 打仗仲可能好玩d
古惑仔純粹升level, 朋友之間冇乜競爭可言,唔比打自己個frd, 又唔比一齊打人. 龍頭大哥只係隨便出街搵人仆濕下個頭打劫,目的係為左令到自己重傷 而令自己唔會比人打到劫,最搞笑既係想行出街搵人打,但係條街個個人都重傷而唔比你打. 結果係做完任務搵完錢存入銀行然後等比人打.
同朋友完全冇interaction, 反而出買朋友起碼可以買起人地男女朋友黎炒仲好玩d
至於呢類game, o係facebook之前已經大把. facebook自己本身亦好多呢d game, 完善過古惑仔既game有好多(mob war, counter strike), 至於古惑仔咁hit, 我真係不得其解, 或者群眾效應吧.
至於6waves, 如果我冇記錯, 我有朋友in 過, 佢話個老細in 佢o個時話會投資兩年落facebook, 如果搵唔到錢就唔做, facebook 廣告market我唔睇好, 我已經習慣ignore 佢d ad, 唔知6waves 或facebook 自己捱唔捱到咁耐. 不過佢有時用user 朋友d 相黎賣廣告我真係超級反感. 如果佢冇agreement寫低話俏像會被使用, o係外國一定告到佢luck褲
我自己add 左古惑仔, 主因都係人地係咁invite, add 左都唔係正常咁玩, 而係想計下數玩下macro.
話說古惑仔有得買地盤賺錢, 不過一睇就有d 怪, 因為越高級既地盤, profit rate 越低, 而每買同一類地盤, 就會越貴. 好奇地為左計optimal solution, 同埋為左令古惑仔冇咁悶, 用少少時間整左個excel,
再詳細d 計下, 究竟儲錢買profit rate 最高o個個, 定係買左profit rate 細少少既地盤賺錢黎買好d.
結果係in general, 儲錢買optimal 好d.
好, excel 數學堂上完, 下堂做firefox macro.


[g2c] g2c Mapplet is added to google map directory

之前寫既Google Map to CentaMap (g2c) Mapplet 終於 加入左落 Google Map Directory 。
而家只要o係工具度打 ”CentaMap“ 就可以搵到


我個人就鐘意用 Bookmarklet 多D。因為多數都係想搵OPENRICE 既舖頭o係邊

Bookmarklet 已經試過o係Safari, Opera 等Browser 試過,沒有問題。


[g2c] Mapplet for maps.google.com.hk

I created a "Google link to CentaMap" mapplet for maps.google.com.hk. So that you are able to open centamap in maps.google.com.hk in mapplet way. Please try.


I also send my mapplet to google map directory. Hopefully google allow this mapplet shown in the directory. Also hope google add hk transit information soon.